Scrapendipity : scrap·en·dip·i·ty

The gift of making fortunate discoveries by accident, a talent for making discoveries while searching for other things.

Monday, February 20, 2017

To Sign up for classes

 ...........and other interesting bits
To make signing up for classes easier we are going to have everything go through the store now. If you call or are in the store we will know how many spots are available, you can pay by credit card, cash or debit now! That means classes will now have GST added, for the first 3 months the teachers have all agreed to absorb the tax, then in June it will be added to your total. (Please note classes are not eligible for loyalty card punches as these are not inventory ) In the end this will be easier for everyone! 
UBUD dream kits have sold out, the next kit will be launched in March :-) with new papers and ideas!
And..... everyone's favorite day after CHA ( now Creativity ) is Catalog Corner!! We have compiled enough catalogs to host this event again! February 28th From noon til 6pm we will have the catalogs available for browsing and making wish lists. After which I will quote your list and check availability, and you can let me know what to order :-) We will have light snacks and coffee and maybe even a door prize? :-) 

Have a great week, 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, just wondering if that curved piece that you can evenly space letters, embellishments, etc along has come in yet? I think it was something new that we had both seen on a video, and from American Craft or American Art? That was about 3 weeks ago. or is this something you will be ordering along with items from the Catalogue Corner?


Georgia Evenson