Scrapendipity : scrap·en·dip·i·ty

The gift of making fortunate discoveries by accident, a talent for making discoveries while searching for other things.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Virtual Make and Take with Holly November 19th


Make and Take with Holly the "Hologram" Nov 19
Our next virtual make and take will be November 19. We will create these cute Christmas card luminaries. They are quick and easy and fit into a regular A2 envelope. Space on the back to stamp sentiment. You will need to supply your own battery tea lights. There are different background papers in the kits. Please email to sign up for 10am 11am noon 1pm 2pm 3pm or 4pm. Let me know how many kits you would like. ( 1 card per kit )
We can only have 6 in the class room each hour due to Covid guidelines. So sign up early so there are no disappointments. You will need to sign up before Nov 12 so I have time to mail the kits to the store. The cost is $5 per card. As always if you prefer to do Take and Make let me know and I will have the kits ready for pickup or mail out on or after the 19th of November.
Happy Monday from Kelowna all my crafty friends. Thank you to everyone who has attended my “virtual” make and takes. Its been great to reconnect with all of you. Sorry for the little hiccup the first group experienced last week.

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