Scrapendipity : scrap·en·dip·i·ty

The gift of making fortunate discoveries by accident, a talent for making discoveries while searching for other things.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Take and Make with Lindsey December 3rd


Hello Ladies
As you know, we are having to postpone any in-person classes.
So we are back to Take ’N’ Make...
Hopefully we can get back to in-person soon!

This week we are creating a dimensional card, complete with sparkles and sequins!
Super cute, and folds down to mail, this Take’N’Make is easy to assemble, and will “Wow” your lucky recipient.

To complete this card you will need colors for the lightbulbs, glossy accents (optional), adhesive, and something sparkly and white for “snow” and “snowflakes”.

Please email Lyndsey directly at to let her know how many kits you would like by Wednesday at noon. Each kit is $5.00 and will be available to pick up at the store during regular hours on Thursday, December 3.

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